Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Cancer is the fourth astrological sign is the Zodiac. The element of Cancer is water, the quality – cardinal and the ruler – Moon.

Like every zodiac sign, cancer has its strengths and weaknesses. People under that sign are loyal, emotional, intuitive and highly imaginative. However, they are also suspicious, moody and sometimes insecure.

Cancer representatives love art, music and hand-made hobbies. They can be one of the most challenging zodiac signs to get to know. Furthermore, they are sensitive and feelings are one of the most important things in a relationship. They care a lot about their family and home.

As a friend, cancer is very loyal and empathic. They are gentle, caring and they will always be by your side. People born under that sign have a great sense of humor. They are always trying to find something positive in a difficult situation. Sometimes they prefer staying on their own and to find pleasure in their own company and mind.

Don’t forget to check our Fashion Horoscope video for Cancer.

Celebrities that are Cancer: Meryl Streep, Ariana Grande, Tom Cruise, Selena Gomez, Vin Diesel, Lana Del Rey, Kristen Bell, Elon Musk and others:


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