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We are more than happy to announce that the Weddings – this long-awaited feature is ready and will the available for you to the end of March. All of you engaged ladies, save some time this month and be ready to plan and organize your perfect wedding.

Please note that the whole wedding process will be divided into 2 steps – planning and party. The planning will be the first stage available for you very soon. The wedding party will be live shortly after the planning.


The process of planning and organizing is one of the most important and most exciting things for every bride-to-be. As this is not an easy job and there are so many things you need to think of, you will need some assistance. Think about hiring a wedding planner, who will be with you in every difficult or challenging situation.

After you decide how many guests there will be, you need to pick the perfect venue. Here comes the time to choose decoration, music, order food and drinks. Of course, you will also need to hire a photographer – one of the most important people on that day. You definitely need somebody to capture these beautiful moments.

One of the most exciting parts is choosing the wedding outfits for your lady and her fiancé. Take some time to think and choose the most impressive dress and accessories for her. There is no reason to panic because your bridesmaids will be there to help. Choose them wisely, because they will have some important tasks to do like making the wedding souvenirs and get the bride’s bouquet. After that it comes the time the bridesmaids to choose their perfect outfits. The bride is even more gorgeous next to her beautiful bridesmaids.

Final steps in the long process of organizing your perfect Wedding is to pick day and time and make that day special. Send all your special guest invitations and let the ceremony begins.

Wedding Party

Like every wedding, there will be special welcome gifts and we can not skip the tradition of throwing the bride’s bouquet. Who will be the next bride?

Stay tuned for more detailed information about the wedding party.

The most important thing about your Wedding is to have fun and enjoy this special day. After all the time spent on planning and organizing, you deserve an amazing party.

To the end of March both the Wedding planning and the party will be available for you, so stay tuned for the exact dates (first the planning will be live and shortly after that the wedding party).

Are you as excited as we are? Do you already imagine your perfect Wedding?